Department of Dentistry
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Department of Dentistry

01What we do

Minoru Kubota
Nobuyoshi Mizukawa

Outline of the Department of Dentistry
In this department, we deal with everything from general dentistry through to oral surgery, jaw prosthetics, oral care, aesthetic dentistry, orthodontics, dental implants, preventative dentistry and sports dentistry. Recently, numerous close links have been demonstrated between systemic and dental disease, resulting in a heightening of the importance of liaison between medical and dental professionals. As part of a key acute-stage hospital in the region serving as a cornerstone of a regional liaison network, we strive for the safe and prompt treatment of both patients coming from within the hospital and those who are referred from other cooperating institutions from within the region. With this in mind, as a part of total patients, the ratio of those who are referred to us from both in and out of the hospital with systemic disease is on the rise. Our patients are predominately from the west of Okayama Prefecture; however we also receive patients from the north of Okayama Prefecture, eastern Hiroshima Prefecture and Shikoku.

02Patients Suitable for Treatment

Dental Conditions:

Dental caries (tooth decay); periodontal disease; tooth loss; tooth discoloring/staining; dry mouth/xerostomia; temporomandibular joint disorder; bruxism(grinding and clenching of teeth); malalignment resulting from congenital anomalies such as cleft lip and palate. Surgery related conditions such as impacted tooth, oral mucosa, trauma, inflammation, cysts and benign tumors.

Conditions related to systemic disease (in liaison with other departments):

Ischemic heart disease(antithrombotic therapy, angina, myocardial infarction), arrhythmia, valvular heart disease, cerebral infarction(antithrombotic therapy), diabetes, sleep apnea syndrome, renal failure and other renal disorders, solid carcinoma(chemotherapy, head and neck region, bone metastasis), hematopoietic tumor(bone marrow transplant, leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma, etc.)Aspiration pneumonia, suspected conditions relating to dental focal infection, osteoporosis, etc.

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