Virtual tour:Classic Postbox
We have often been asked by visitors to the hospital when passing this postbox, “can you actually post letters in this?” The answer is of course so! Standing opposite to the flowers outside one of the hospital stores, this bright red cylindrical postbox stands at the northern side of the western walkway running past the atrium. This style of postbox is now rarely seen in public; however we decided to use it as a landmark within the hospital. It was sourced by an antique dealer from Obihiro in Hokkaido. From people reminiscing, to children having the old postbox explained to them, this postbox manages to capture attention in all manners and ways. There was even a letter to the editor in the local newspaper expressing the nostalgia when looking at this old postbox. These days, most people go about their business with email and telephone; yet there is a warmth in sending a letter or postcard that these cannot match, nor the feeling of joy when something personal arrives in the mail. Feel free to post an item in this unusual postbox.