Virtual tour:Slipware Tiles

Are you aware of the decorative tiles arranged with various designs in the Ward Building 2 elevator hall on the first floor? These are a medieval-English tile known as slipware and each tile contains a different design. These were created by Noriyuki Yamamoto and the porcelain work was performed by Iwagama in Tottori. Slipware is where slip (water and clay mixed together) is applied to the surface of earthenware and scratching, a brush or application of slip with a dropper is used to create a design. Furthermore, techniques including the application of multilayers of slip, the engraving of lines before the earthenware sets and the use of slip to bring out the natural colour of the clay can be used to create designs. There are other spots around the hospital with these decorative tiles. If this is something that takes your fancy, please try and find them all!